Predalure - a novel new approach - enlisting plants' defensive odours to attract beneficials and ward off pests
PredaLure draws beneficial insects such as lacewings, hover flies predatory bugs, predatory mites and predatory beetles into your garden. This is the all-natural way to control insects in your garden, without using chemicals. These good bugs and beetles eat and destroy the damaging mealybugs, thrips, spider mites, aphids, caterpillars – in all their forms from adult to eggs and larvae. Not all bugs are bad— beneficial insects can help us by feeding on harmful pests. It’s Mother Nature’s way of controlling the troublesome insects. InSense offers a range of attractants for beneficial insects to help control the troublesome pests. Check our website for details Together with a wide series of pheromone lures and traps for the pest insects, we, support Mother Nature to keep your pest population under control without using pesticides.
Predalure |